Saturday, August 19, 2006

Chris Lanier's Blog : Slickest Media Center Plug-In Yet; HeatWave!

Chris Lanier's Blog : Slickest Media Center Plug-In Yet; HeatWave!: "Nearly a year ago I blogged about a James @ MCExtended tapping into a whole new style of Media Center development. No Hosted HTML here, James was using undocumented features in a few of Media Center’s dynamic link libraries that allowed him to integrate the plug-in directly using the true Media Center interface/rendered. The project died out only a few weeks later after James had talks with Charlie Owen about the downsides of using his new development methods."

Chris Lanier's Blog : Yougle: YouTube Meets Google Video

Chris Lanier's Blog : Yougle: YouTube Meets Google Video: "Yougle Google Video and YouTube Via Media Center You should already know that you can search and browse YouTube via Media Center, but the developer is not stopping there. Currently in beta, Yougle from Push-A-Button Software combines YouTube and Google Video into a single Media Center interface. Free software, but please donate if you like it."

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

The Media Center PC ain't a desktop; it's a server

Marquee de Sells: Chris's insight outlet: "The Media Center PC ain't a desktop; it's a server
I've seen some flack lately about how the Windows Media Center Edition-style computers haven't changed how folks consume content. Man, it sure has changed mine. Sure, you can put a MCE box on your desk and watch TV from your chair, but who the hell wants to do that?

A MCE box belongs in a living room or bedroom somewhere or even in a server closet. In fact, while I have my MCE box attached to my bedroom TV, I use it as a media server for music, video, photos and recorded TV shows. My media is available at every PC in my home and at every TV w/ an MCE extender box (I have an XBox on one TV and an XBox 360 on another). This setup allows my media 'room' to be my entire house and allows my family room media setup to consist of an HDTV and an XBox 360.

What's not to love about that?"

Monday, August 07, 2006

Matt Goyer’s Media Center Blog » Adding your applications to the Start Menu

Matt Goyer’s Media Center Blog » Adding your applications to the Start Menu: "My co-worker Aaron has a post on Adding strips and tiles to the Windows Media Center Start menu in Windows Vista:
With the redesign of the Start menu, Windows Media Center for Windows Vista also includes a new way of registering applications and entry points to appear on the Start menu. It is possible to add up to 2 new strips to the Start menu using existing extensibility mechanisms in Windows Media Center, and each of those 2 strips can contain up to 5 tiles. "